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Textiler plugin test page

This post is for testing Textiler plugin.

This plugin uses Textile engine (version 2.0.0).

The sample text is come from Textile test page.

(Note that the result will be vary according to your CSS options.)

Supported wiki syntaxRendering result

h2{color:green}. This is a title

h3. This is a subhead

p{color:red}. This is some text of dubious character. Isn't the use of "quotes" just lazy writing -- and theft of 'intellectual property' besides? I think the time has come to see a block quote.

bq[fr]. This is a block quote. I'll admit it's not the most exciting block quote ever devised.

Simple list:

#{color:blue} one
# two
# three

Multi-level list:

# one
## aye
## bee
## see
# two
## x
## y
# three

Mixed list:

* Point one
* Point two
## Step 1
## Step 2
## Step 3
* Point three
** Sub point 1
** Sub point 2

Well, that went well. How about we insert an <a href="/" title="watch out">old-fashioned hypertext link</a>? Will the quote marks in the tags get messed up? No!

"This is a link (optional title)":

table{border:1px solid black}.
|_. this|_. is|_. a|_. header|
<{background:gray}. |\2. this is|{background:red;width:200px}. a|^<>{height:200px}. row|
|this|<>{padding:10px}. is|^. another|(bob#bob). row|

An image:

!/common/textist.gif(optional alt text)!

# Librarians rule
# Yes they do
# But you knew that

Some more text of dubious character. Here is a noisome string of CAPITAL letters. Here is something we want to _emphasize_.
That was a linebreak. And something to indicate *strength*. Of course I could use <em>my own HTML tags</em> if I <strong>felt</strong> like it.

h3. Coding

This <code>is some code, "isn't it"</code>. Watch those quote marks! Now for some preformatted text:

$text = str_replace("%::%","",$text);

This isn't code.

So you see, my friends:

* The time is now
* The time is not later
* The time is not yesterday
* We must act

h2{color:green}. This is a title

h3. This is a subhead

p{color:red}. This is some text of dubious character. Isn't the use of "quotes" just lazy writing -- and theft of 'intellectual property' besides? I think the time has come to see a block quote.

bq[fr]. This is a block quote. I'll admit it's not the most exciting block quote ever devised.

Simple list:

#{color:blue} one
# two
# three

Multi-level list:

# one
## aye
## bee
## see
# two
## x
## y
# three

Mixed list:

* Point one
* Point two
## Step 1
## Step 2
## Step 3
* Point three
** Sub point 1
** Sub point 2

Well, that went well. How about we insert an old-fashioned hypertext link? Will the quote marks in the tags get messed up? No!

"This is a link (optional title)":

table{border:1px solid black}.
|_. this|_. is|_. a|_. header|
<{background:gray}. |\2. this is|{background:red;width:200px}. a|^<>{height:200px}. row|
|this|<>{padding:10px}. is|^. another|(bob#bob). row|

An image:

!/common/textist.gif(optional alt text)!

# Librarians rule
# Yes they do
# But you knew that

Some more text of dubious character. Here is a noisome string of CAPITAL letters. Here is something we want to _emphasize_.
That was a linebreak. And something to indicate *strength*. Of course I could use my own HTML tags if I felt like it.

h3. Coding

This is some code, "isn't it". Watch those quote marks! Now for some preformatted text:

$text = str_replace("%::%","",$text);

This isn't code.

So you see, my friends:

* The time is now
* The time is not later
* The time is not yesterday
* We must act



  1. Hi,

    I am testing your plugin right now, does this textiler plugin affect just the post entries or also the comments?

    Any help would be greatly appreciated.

  2. This plugin only affects the post entries. I didn't think that all guests know the textile syntax.

  3. I was thinking that there could be an option done for comments too.

    True, guests won't know textile, but there is always a guide for them on the comment page. Perhaps you could include this in the next release. By the way, is textiler compatible with WordPress 2.3

  4. It's a good idea to have an option to apply the texile syntax in comments. I'll include the feature in the next release. (To be frankly with you, it's more difficult to make option page than the feature itself. :-) )

    And, I didn't test this with 2.3 yet, but I think that there will be no problem. Before the next release, I'll test it, also.

  5. {{{
    _This comment is for testing "Textiler": in comment._

    _emphasize_, *strength*

    * item1
    ## item2
    ## item3

    bq. This is a block quote.

  6. I noticed textile caused the problem with my encoding in my RSS Feed, I can't seem to view Chinese characters. After I deactivated the plugin, I can see the characters again. Do you know how I can fix the problem?

  7. {{{
    Hmm... I tested the Chinese characters with ones in your blog. (楊丞琳 - 任意門 Review) But I couldn't find any problem in the feed. (see my "_Comments RSS_": for this comment.)

    I put the new release to "WordPress plugin page.": It supports the comment textiler and adds a configuration page. I fix some options of filtering, also.

    Try this new release, and if the problem is still there, let me know. (The plugin list you are using might be very helpful.)

  8. I know, the Chinese characters are showing in my original feed at but not at

    The plugins I am using are

    Flickr RSS
    Simple Tagging
    Full Text Feed
    Google Analyticator

    Hope that helped. Looking forward to your favorable reply

  9. Update: the problem appeared the minute I started using textiler.

  10. [...] see all supported Textile syntax, go Textiler plugin test page or Textile [...]

  11. 좋네요. 잘되고요. 그런데... 이거 부분적으로 쓰는 괄호도 좋은데.. edit화면에 selection이 있어서... !예제 이미지)! 이런식으로 포스트 쓸 때 고를 수는 없나요. 그런 식으로 골랐을 때 xhtml(기존워드프레스 방식)으로 쓸 때는 괄호넣은 걸 쓰면 그곳만 되도록 하고...^^; 복잡한가요? 아무튼 잘 쓸게요^^

  12. Hi from korea,

    I just wanted to say that I don't think this plugin is working with WP 2.5.1. Just as a notice to other users, because it doesn't look like Textiler is being maintained anymore.

  13. Hey Chingu, are you going to update this plugin so it compatible with 2.51?

  14. It seems to work with WP 2.5.1. What problems do you have?

  15. oops -- the curly brackets in that last comment disappeared.

  16. The problem is I can't put the {{{ and }}} anywhere without them showing up on the page.
    I'm using this theme:

    Do you have any suggestions about where I should place the {{{ }}} in the templates so that they are invisible, and activate the textiler code?

  17. [...] see all supported Textile syntax, go Textiler plugin test page or Textile [...]

  18. My site has the plugin Textiler 1.1. As far as I can see, this is the most current plugin to handle TEXTILE markup. For some reason, it causes a line break before the very last list item in a list. For example...

    * Item 1
    * Item 2
    * Item 3

    Will display as:

    * Item 1
    * Item 2

    * Item 3

    It isn't my CSS, but the plugin for sure.
    Example page is at:

    Scroll to the bottom.

  19. No, it is not your CSS. I looked your page source, and it had another ul tag for the last item.

    But as you can see in the last part of this post, the itemization is working correctly.

    So... what other plugins are you using? Could you turn them off one by one and check the result?

  20. Hello, I posted a reply. But maybe it was deleted as spam?
    I have Aksimet, Platinum SEO, Shadow Box, ShareThis, Textiler and WP Page Numbers.

    If I turn them off, I still have the problem.

  21. Hm... very strange. Are you using visual editor?

  22. No, I am not using any visual editor.

  23. Carlos, I'm so sorry. I can't make the same error as yours. Can you send me a smallest problematic post content via email?

    If I can see the same error with the content also, It'll be possible to find what the problem is and the solution.

  24. Hi,

    I am using wp 2.9.2 and just installed your plugin, but can't get it to work. Do you know if there is a compatibility issue ?

    Thanks !


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